Browsing by Author Mahara, Priti

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-Aug-2018Anti-trafficking billMahara, Priti
7-Oct-2018Are School Spaces Really Safe for Our ChildrenMahara, Priti
15-Dec-2018Breastfeeding is NOT Home Chore A Wake-Up Call that Mindsets Need to ChangeMahara, Priti
7-Aug-2018Breastfeeding was the easiest choice for these women in rural OdishaMahara, Priti
2-Sep-2019Can education incentive schemes give wings to India’s girls?Mahara, Priti
12-Feb-2021Can India be ‘atmanirbhar’ by cutting budget for childrenMahara, Priti
7-Oct-2018Children are not safe in school: Here’s what we need to doMahara, Priti
2020Combating Child MarriageDuring Covid-19 And BeyondMahara, Priti; Pande, Nupur; Ghosh, Shreya
2020COVID-19 and Child Labour in India: Challenges and Way ForwardMahara, Priti; Ghosh, Shreya
Sep-2021Cyber-safety of Children during Covid-19 and BeyoGrewal, Japreet; Ghosh, Shreya; Mahara, Priti
5-Dec-2018Giving backMahara, Priti
12-Aug-2019How National Education Policy can strengthen RTEMahara, Priti
16-Jun-2020In Shattered Post-Lockdown Economy, Govt Must Keep a Strict Eye on Child LabourMahara, Priti; Sapkal, Rahul
22-Jul-2019Is child protection a priority in the public budget?Mahara, Priti
Oct-2020Legal Analysis of Schedule Containing the List of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous occupati ons and Processes of the Child & Adolescent Labour (Prohibiti on and Regulati on) Act, 1986Sapkal, Rahul; Ghosh, Shreya; Mahara, Priti
26-Jan-2019Let child budget share increase in the upcoming Union BudgetMahara, Priti
May-2020RAPID ONLINE PERCEPTION STUDY ABOUT THE EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON CHILDRENCHILDMahara, Priti; Jayaram, Veena; Ghosh, Shreya; Sharma, Varun; Pande, Nupur; Mannan, Libza
13-Aug-2018Safe Spaces For India’s YouthMahara, Priti
2020Status And Decadal Trends of Child Marriage In IndiaJayaram, Veena; Sharma, Varun; Kota, Lakshmi; Mahara, Priti
10-Nov-2018Vaccination for all children is still a long way to go in IndiaMahara, Priti